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There are many law firms advertising for Depo-Provera clients – some to represent you and some to just “broker” your case to others. If you are comparing firms (as you should), ask them about their experience and financial results in similar litigations, and whether they are committed to stay with you the entire way.

If you developed a BRAIN TUMOR (Meningioma) or SPINAL CORD TUMOR Call (800)414-DEPO (414-3376)

After taking DEPO-PROVERA (or Depo-SubQ) birth control injections, then you may have a valid legal claim for damages (strict time regulations and other circumstances may affect your eligibility).

If you were not diagnosed, then count your blessings, and consult your doctor before changing your medication routine, and mention any unusual pains you have encountered, in case they merit medical investigation.

Help Us Help You!

Please fill out the following form as the first confidential step towards
determining if you have a case.

THANK YOU for being proactive with your health and your rights!
(As stated below, your information is being transmitted by way of a secure server).


Save time and call us now, at: (800)414-DEPO (414-3376)

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